#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
Githelper is both a module and a command line utility for working with git_ working copies.
It is maintained at https://github.com/liyanage/git-tools/tree/master/githelper
The HTML version of this documentation is available at http://liyanage.github.com/git-tools/
.. _git: http://git-scm.com
You can install githelper directly from github like this::
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/githelper.py -L https://github.com/liyanage/git-tools/raw/master/githelper/githelper.py
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/githelper.py
Command Line Utility
This documentation does not cover the command line utility usage
in detail because you can get that with the help option::
githelper.py -h
The utility is subcommand-based, and each subcommand has its own options.
You can get a list of subcommands with the -h option shown above, and each
subcommand in turn supports the -h flag::
githelper.py some_subcommand -h
You can extend the set of subcommands by writing plug-in classes. See
`Extending with Plug-In Classes`_ for details.
You can abbreviate the subcommand name. The abbreviation does not have
to be a contiguous prefix or substring of the full name, any sequence of
characters that unanbiguously identifies one of the subcommands will work
(it must be anchored at the beginning, however).
Command Line Utility Examples
Below are some command line usage examples. The examples assume a
``gh`` shell alias for githelper defined as follows::
$ alias gh githelper.py
To get an overview of the nested working copies, use the ``tree`` subcommand::
$ gh tree
|<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project>
|--<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Foo *>
|----<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Foo/subexternal l*>
|--<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Bar>
|--<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Baz>
|--<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Subproject *>
|----<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Subproject/ABC/Demo>
|--<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Xyz>
The * indicates a working copy with uncommited changes.
The l indicates a local-only branch, i.e. one that's not tracking a remote branch
To get a combined git status view, use ``status``::
$ gh status
<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Foo *>
M data.txt
<Working copy /path/to/my-great-project/Subproject *>
A xyz.dat
Only working copies that have any interesting status are listed.
As a reminder, you could shorten the subcommand name and type just ``gh sta`` here.
To check out a certain point in time in the past in all nested working copies, you could
use the ``each`` subcommand, which runs a shell command in each one::
$ gh each "git checkout \$(git rev-list -n 1 --before='2012-01-01 00:00' master)"
Another useful subcommand is ``branch``, it gives a complete overview of the branch
status of each working copy::
$ gh b
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo> 0↑ 0↓ master 4c3b6721 1h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/LibraryManager> 0↑ 0↓ master 301105f7 1h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/Reports *> 0↑ 0↓ master 7ffa7408 2h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/analyzer> 0↑ 0↓ feature/xyz c2881596 5h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/common l> 0↑ 0↓ master f0a1ec75 34m
See the subcommand's detailed help for an explanation of the columns.
Many subcommands, ``fetch`` included, run the ``branch`` subcommand automatically after they finish.
These are just a few examples, see the command line help for the remaining subcommands.
Usage as Toolkit Module
If the utility does not provide what you need, you can write your own script
based on githelper as a module. The rest of this document explains the module's API.
The main entry point is the :py:class:`GitWorkingCopy` class. You instantiate it
with the path to a git working copy (which possibly has nested sub-working copies).
.. _iteration-example:
You can then traverse the tree of nested working copies by iterating over the
GitWorkingCopy instance::
#!/usr/bin/env python
import githelper
import os
import sys
root_wc = githelper.GitWorkingCopy(sys.argv[1])
for wc in root_wc:
# Gets called once for root_wc and all sub-working copies.
# Do something interesting with wc using its API here...
The :py:meth:`~GitWorkingCopy.traverse` method provides another way to do this,
it takes a callable, in the following example a function::
def process_working_copy(wc):
print wc.current_branch()
root_wc = githelper.GitWorkingCopy(sys.argv[1])
Any callable object works, in the following example an instance of a class that implements :py:meth:`~object.__call__`::
class Foo:
def __init__(self, some_state):
self.some_state = some_state
def __call__(self, wc):
# possibly use self.some_state
print wc.current_branch()
root_wc = githelper.GitWorkingCopy(sys.argv[1])
iterator = Foo('bar')
You can take a look at the various ``Subcommand...`` classes in the `module's
source code`_ to see examples of the API usage. These classes implement the various
subcommands provided by the command line utility front end and they exercise most of
the :py:class:`GitWorkingCopy` API.
.. _`module's source code`: https://github.com/liyanage/git-tools/blob/master/githelper/githelper.py
Extending with Plug-In Classes
To extend the command line utility with additional custom subcommands, create a
file called :file:`githelper_local.py` and store it somewhere in your :envvar:`PATH`.
The file must contain one class per subcommand. Each class name must start with
``Subcommand``, anything after that part is used as the actual subcommand name
that you pass on the command line to invoke it.
Here is an example :file:`githelper_local.py` with one subcommand named ``foo``::
from githelper import AbstractSubcommand, GitWorkingCopy
class SubcommandFoo(AbstractSubcommand):
# The class-level doc comment is reused for the command-line usage help string.
\"""Provide a useful description of this subcommand here\"""
def __call__(self, wc):
print wc
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
# Add any command line options here. If you don't need any, just add a "pass" statement instead.
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bar', help='Provide a useful description of this option here')
API Documentation
# autopep8 -i --ignore E501 githelper.py
import os
import re
import imp
import sys
import types
import pickle
import select
import string
import logging
import getpass
import tempfile
import datetime
import argparse
import textwrap
import StringIO
import itertools
import subprocess
import contextlib
import collections
import xml.etree.ElementTree
[docs]class PopenOutputFilter:
Represents a set of inclusion/exclusion rules to filter the output of :py:class:`FilteringPopen`.
You create instance of this class to pass to :py:meth:`FilteringPopen.run` (but see ``run()``'s
``filter_rules`` parameter for a convenience shortcut).
There are two independent rule sets to filter stdout and stderr individually. If you don't
supply the (optional) rule set for stderr, the (mandatory) one for stdout is reused.
Rule sets are lists of lists of this form::
rules = [
('-', r'^foo'),
('-', r'bar$'),
Each rule is a two-element list where the first element is either the string "-" or "+"
representing the actions for exclusion and inclusion, and the second element is a
regular expression.
Each line of stdout or stderr output is matched against each regular expression. If one
of them matches, the line is filtered out if the action element is "-" or included if
the action is "+". After the first rule matches, no further rules are evaluated.
If no rule matches a given line, the line is included (not filtered out), i.e. there is
an implicit last rule like this::
('+', '.*')
In the example given above, all lines beginning with ``foo`` or ending with ``bar``
are filtered out.
In the following example, only lines containing foo or bar are included, everything else
is filtered out::
rules = [
('+', r'foo'),
('+', r'bar'),
('-', '.*')
def __init__(self, stdout_rules, stderr_rules=None):
self.stdout_rules = self.compile_rules(stdout_rules)
if stderr_rules is None:
self.stderr_rules = self.stdout_rules
self.stderr_rules = self.compile_rules(stderr_rules)
def compile_rules(self, ruleset):
if not ruleset:
return None
return [(action, re.compile(regex_string)) for action, regex_string in ruleset]
def filtered_stdoutlines(self, lines):
if not lines:
return lines
ruleset = self.stdout_rules
return [line for line in lines if self.keep_line(line, ruleset)]
def keep_stdoutline(self, line):
return self.keep_line(line, self.stdout_rules)
def keep_stderrline(self, line):
return self.keep_line(line, self.stderr_rules)
def filtered_stderrlines(self, lines):
if not lines:
return lines
ruleset = self.stderr_rules
return [line for line in lines if self.keep_line(line, ruleset)]
def keep_line(self, line, ruleset):
for rule in ruleset:
# print '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(action, regex, regex.search(line), line)
action, regex = rule
if regex.search(line):
if action == '+':
return True
if action == '-':
return False
return True
[docs]class FilteringPopen(object):
A wrapper around :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` that filters the subprocess's output.
The constructor's parameters are forwarded mostly unchanged to :py:class:`Popen's constructor <subprocess.Popen>`.
Exceptions are ``bufsize``, which is set to ``1`` for line-buffered output, and ``stdout``, and ``stderr``,
which are both set to :py:data:`subprocess.PIPE`.
This method sets up the Popen instance but does not run it. See :py:meth:`run` for that.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.stdoutbuffer = []
self.stderrbuffer = []
self.cmd = args[0]
self.wd = kwargs.get('cwd', None)
kwargs['bufsize'] = 1;
kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
self.popen = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, filter=None, filter_rules=None, store_stdout=True, store_stderr=True, echo_stdout=True, echo_stderr=True, check_returncode=True, header=None):
Run the command and capture its (potentially filtered) output, similar to :py:meth:`subprocess.Popen.communicate`.
:param githelper.PopenOutputFilter filter: An optional filter for stderr and stdout.
:param array filter_rules: Instead of a :py:class:`PopenOutputFilter` instance, you can also pass a rule set directly.
:param bool store_stdout: If ``False``, the command's output will not be stored for later retrieval. If set to ``True``, the output can be retrieved through the :py:meth:`stdoutlines` method after it has finished executing.
:param bool store_stderr: If ``False``, the command's output will not be stored for later retrieval. If set to ``True``, the output can be retrieved through the :py:meth:`stderrlines` method after it has finished executing.
:param bool echo_stdout: If ``False``, the command's output will not be printed to stdout.
:param bool echo_stderr: If ``False``, the command's output will not be printed to stderr.
:param bool check_returncode: If ``True``, the method raises an exception if the command terminates with a non-zero exit code.
:param object header: This value will be printed to the console exactly once if the subcommand produces any output that does not get filtered out.
This is useful if you want to print something, but not if the command would not produce any output anyway.
self.filter = filter
if filter and filter_rules:
raise Exception("'filter' and 'filter_rules' can't be used together")
if filter_rules:
self.filter = PopenOutputFilter(filter_rules)
self.header = header
self.did_print_header = False
self.store_stdout = store_stdout
self.store_stderr = store_stderr
self.echo_stdout = echo_stdout
self.echo_stderr = echo_stderr
returncode = None
while returncode is None:
returncode = self.popen.poll()
if check_returncode and returncode:
wd = self.wd if self.wd else os.getcwd()
raise Exception('Non-zero exit status for shell command "{}" in {}'.format(self.cmd, self.wd))
def check_pipes(self, timeout=1):
logging.debug('about to select(), timeout = {}'.format(timeout))
ready_read_handles = select.select([self.popen.stdout, self.popen.stderr], (), (), timeout)[0]
for handle in ready_read_handles:
is_stdout = False
is_stderr = False
if handle == self.popen.stdout:
is_stdout = True
if handle == self.popen.stderr:
is_stderr = True
while True:
line = handle.readline().rstrip('\n')
if not line:
if handle == self.popen.stdout:
if self.filter and not self.filter.keep_stdoutline(line):
if self.store_stdout:
if self.echo_stdout:
with ANSIColor.terminal_color(ANSIColor.blue, ANSIColor.blue):
print >> sys.stderr, line
elif handle == self.popen.stderr:
if self.filter and not self.filter.keep_stderrline(line):
if self.store_stderr:
if self.echo_stderr:
with ANSIColor.terminal_color(ANSIColor.blue, ANSIColor.blue):
print >> sys.stdout, line
def print_header_once(self):
if self.did_print_header or not self.header:
self.did_print_header = True
print self.header
[docs] def stdoutlines(self):
"""Returns an array of the stdout lines that were not filtered, with trailing newlines removed."""
return self.stdoutbuffer
[docs] def stderrlines(self):
"""Returns an array of the stderr lines that were not filtered, with trailing newlines removed."""
return self.stderrbuffer
[docs] def returncode(self):
Returns the command's exit code.
:rtype: int
return self.popen.returncode
class ANSIColor(object):
red = '1'
green = '2'
yellow = '3'
blue = '4'
def terminal_color(cls, stdout_color=None, stderr_color=red):
if stdout_color:
if stderr_color:
def clear(cls):
for stream in [sys.stdout, sys.stderr]:
def start_sequence(cls, color=red):
return "\x1b[3{0}m".format(color)
def clear_sequence(cls):
return "\x1b[m"
def wrap(cls, value, color=red):
return u'{}{}{}'.format(cls.start_sequence(color), value, cls.clear_sequence())
class GitRevision(object):
def __init__(self, revision, message):
self.revision = revision
self.message = message
def parse_log_line_oneline(cls, log_line):
match = re.match(r'^([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)', log_line)
if not match:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Unable to parse git log line "{}":'.format(log_line)
return None
return GitRevision(match.group(1), match.group(2))
def parse_log_lines_oneline(cls, log_lines):
return [cls.parse_log_line_oneline(line) for line in log_lines]
[docs]class GitWorkingCopy(object):
A class to represent a git working copy.
:param str path: The file system path to the working copy.
:param githelper.GitWorkingCopy parent: A parent instance, you don't usually use this yourself.
"""returned from a :py:meth:`~AbstractSubcommand.__call__` implementation to stop further recursion by :py:meth:`traverse`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, path, parent=None, verbose=False):
self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
self.parent = parent
self.child_list = None
self.verbose = verbose
status = subprocess.call('git status 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True, cwd=self.path)
if status:
raise Exception('{0} is not a git working copy'.format(self.path))
[docs] def __str__(self):
flags = ''
if not self.current_branch_has_upstream():
flags += 'l' # l for local-only
if self.is_dirty():
flags += '*'
if flags:
flags = ' ' + flags
return '<{0}{1}>'.format(self.root_relative_path(), flags)
def root_relative_path(self):
if self.is_root():
return os.path.basename(self.path)
root_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.root_working_copy().path)
return self.path[len(root_prefix) + 1:]
[docs] def current_branch(self):
"""Returns the name of the current git branch"""
output = self.output_for_git_command('git branch -a'.split())
[branch] = [i[2:] for i in output if i.startswith('* ')]
return branch
[docs] def fork_point_commit_id_for_branch(self, other_branch):
"""Returns the fork point with another branch"""
cmd = ['git', 'merge-base', '--fork-point', other_branch]
output = self.output_for_git_command(cmd)
if len(output) != 1:
return None
return output[0].strip()
def head_commit_hash(self):
return self.output_for_git_command(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'])[0][:8]
def head_commit_age(self):
head_commit_timestamp = self.output_for_git_command(['git', 'show', '--format=%ct', '--no-patch', 'HEAD'])[0]
return datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(head_commit_timestamp))
def head_commit_age_approximate_string(self):
seconds = self.head_commit_age().total_seconds()
days = int(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24))
if days:
return '{}d'.format(days)
hours = int(seconds / (60 * 60))
if hours:
return '{}h'.format(hours)
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
if minutes:
return '{}m'.format(minutes)
return '{}s'.format(int(seconds))
[docs] def current_repository(self):
"""Returns the name of the current git repository."""
output = self.output_for_git_command('git remote -v'.split())[0]
repository_names = re.findall(r'/([^/]+?)(?:\s|\.git)', output)
return repository_names[0]
[docs] def has_branch(self, branch_name):
"""Returns True if the working copy has a git branch with the given name"""
return branch_name in self.branch_names()
[docs] def branch_names(self):
"""Returns a list of git branch names."""
output = self.output_for_git_command('git branch -a'.split())
return [i[2:] for i in output]
[docs] def remote_branch_names(self):
Returns a list of git branch names starting with ``remote/``.
The leading ``remote/`` part will be removed.
return [i[8:] for i in self.branch_names() if i.startswith('remotes/')]
[docs] def local_branch_names(self):
"""Returns a list of git branch names not starting with ``remote/``."""
return [i for i in self.branch_names() if not i.startswith('remotes/')]
[docs] def remote_branch_name_for_name_list(self, name_list):
Returns a remote branch name matching a list of candidate strings.
Tries to find a remote branch names using all possible combinations
of the names in the list. For example, given::
['foo', 'bar']
as ``name_list``, it would find any of these::
etc. and return the part after ``remotes/`` of the first match.
name_list = [i.lower() for i in name_list]
candidates = set(name_list)
candidates.update(['-'.join(i) for i in itertools.permutations(name_list)])
for name in self.remote_branch_names():
if name.lower() in candidates:
return name
return None
[docs] def switch_to_branch(self, branch_name):
"""Checks out the given git branch"""
if not self.has_branch(branch_name):
raise Exception('{0} does not have a branch named {1}, cannot switch'.format(self, branch_name))
self.run_shell_command(['git', 'checkout', branch_name])
[docs] def hard_reset_current_branch(self, target):
"""Hard-resets the current branch to the given ref"""
self.run_shell_command(['git', 'reset', '--hard', target])
[docs] def run_shell_command(self, command, filter_rules=None, shell=None, header=None, check_returncode=True):
Runs the given shell command (array or string) in the receiver's working directory using :py:class:`FilteringPopen`.
:param str command: Passed to :py:class:`FilteringPopen`'s constructor. Can also be an array.
:param array filter_rules: Passed to :py:class:`FilteringPopen`'s constructor.
:param bool shell: Passed to :py:class:`FilteringPopen`'s constructor.
:param object header: Passed to :py:class:`FilteringPopen.run`.
if shell is None:
if isinstance(command, types.StringTypes):
shell = True
shell = False
popen = FilteringPopen(command, cwd=self.path, shell=shell)
popen.run(filter_rules=filter_rules, store_stdout=False, store_stderr=False, header=header, check_returncode=check_returncode)
[docs] def output_for_git_command(self, command, shell=False, filter_rules=None, header=None, check_returncode=None, echo_stderr=True):
Runs the given shell command (array or string) in the receiver's working directory and returns the output.
:param bool shell: If ``True``, runs the command through the shell. See the :py:mod:`subprocess` library module documentation for details.
popen = FilteringPopen(command, cwd=self.path, shell=shell)
popen.run(filter_rules=filter_rules, echo_stdout=False, echo_stderr=echo_stderr, header=header, check_returncode=check_returncode)
return popen.stdoutlines()
[docs] def is_root(self):
"""Returns True if the receiver does not have a parent working copy."""
return self.parent is None
def has_autostash_enabled(self):
output = self.output_for_git_command('git config rebase.autoStash'.split())
return output and output[0] == 'true'
[docs] def ancestors(self):
Returns a list of parent working copies.
If the receiver is the root working copy, this returns an empty list.
ancestors = []
if not self.is_root():
return ancestors
def current_branch_upstream(self):
output = self.output_for_git_command('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}'.split(), filter_rules=[('-', r'fatal')])
return output
def current_branch_has_upstream(self):
return bool(self.current_branch_upstream())
[docs] def commits_not_in_upstream(self):
"""Returns a list of git commits that have not yet been pushed to upstream."""
output = self.output_for_git_command('git log --oneline @{u}..HEAD'.split())
return GitRevision.parse_log_lines_oneline(output)
[docs] def commits_only_in_upstream(self):
"""Returns a list of git commits that are only in upstream but not in the local tracking branch."""
output = self.output_for_git_command('git log --oneline HEAD..@{u}'.split())
return GitRevision.parse_log_lines_oneline(output)
[docs] def root_working_copy(self):
"""Returns the root working copy, which could be self."""
if self.is_root():
return self
return self.parent.root_working_copy()
def _check_output_in_path(self, command):
return subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=self.path)
print >> sys.stderr, 'Error running shell command in "{}":'.format(self.path)
[docs] def is_dirty(self):
Returns True if the receiver's working copy has uncommitted modifications.
Many operations depend on a clean state.
return bool(self.dirty_file_lines())
[docs] def create_stash_and_reset_hard(self):
Stashes the uncommitted changes in the working copy using "stash create", i.e. without
updating the "stash" reference, and runs "git reset --hard". Prints and returns the
commit id if anything was stashed, None otherwise.
if not self.is_dirty():
return None
stash_commit = None
output = self.output_for_git_command('git stash create'.split())
if len(output):
stash_commit = output[0]
print 'Stashed changes, restore with "git stash apply {0}"'.format(stash_commit)
output = self.output_for_git_command('git reset --hard'.split())
#print '\n'.join(output)
return stash_commit
def apply_stash_commit(self, stash_commit):
#print 'Applying stash ' + stash_commit
output = self.output_for_git_command('git stash apply'.split() + [stash_commit])
[docs] def dirty_file_lines(self):
"""Returns the output of git status for the files marked as modified, renamed etc."""
output = self._check_output_in_path('git status --porcelain'.split()).splitlines()
dirty_file_lines = [line[3:].strip('"') for line in output if not line.startswith('?')]
return dirty_file_lines
def info(self):
config_path = os.path.join(self.path, '.git/config')
with open(config_path) as file:
return self.basename()
def basename(self):
return os.path.basename(self.path)
def children(self):
if self.child_list is None:
self.child_list = self.cached_child_list()
if self.child_list is None:
self.child_list = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.path, followlinks=True):
if dirpath == self.path:
if not '.git' in dirnames:
del dirnames[:]
wc = GitWorkingCopy(dirpath, parent=self, verbose=self.verbose)
return self.child_list
def cached_child_list(self):
if not self.is_root():
return None
cache_file_path = os.path.join(self.githelper_config_directory(), 'cached_child_list')
if os.path.exists(cache_file_path):
age = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(cache_file_path).st_mtime)
if age.total_seconds() > 24 * 60 * 60:
return None
if self.verbose:
with open(cache_file_path) as f:
return [GitWorkingCopy(dirpath, parent=self, verbose=self.verbose) for dirpath in pickle.load(f)]
def print_cache_message(cls, cache_file_path):
print 'Using cached subrepository list from {}'.format(cache_file_path)
def store_cached_child_list(self, child_list):
cache_file_path = os.path.join(self.githelper_config_directory(should_create=True), 'cached_child_list')
with open(cache_file_path, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump([wc.path for wc in child_list], f)
def githelper_config_directory(self, should_create=False):
config_directory_path = os.path.join(self.git_directory(), 'githelper')
if should_create and not os.path.exists(config_directory_path):
return config_directory_path
def git_directory(self):
with self.chdir_to_path():
return os.path.abspath(self.output_for_git_command('git rev-parse --git-dir'.split())[0])
[docs] def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over ``self`` and all of its nested git working copies.
See the :ref:`example above <iteration-example>`.
yield self
for child in self.children():
for item in child:
yield item
[docs] def self_or_descendants_dirty_working_copies(self):
Returns True if the receiver's or one of its nested working copies are dirty.
:param bool list_dirty: If ``True``, prints the working copy path and the list of dirty files.
dirty_working_copies = []
for item in self:
if item.is_dirty():
return dirty_working_copies
[docs] def traverse(self, iterator):
Runs the given callable ``iterator`` on the receiver and all of its
nested sub-working copies.
Before each call to iterator for a given working copy, the current directory is first
set to that working copy's path.
See the :ref:`example above <iteration-example>`.
if callable(getattr(iterator, "prepare_for_root", None)):
if iterator.prepare_for_root(self) is GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL:
if not callable(iterator):
raise Exception('{0} is not callable'.format(iterator))
for item in self:
with item.chdir_to_path():
if iterator(item) is GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL:
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager
def chdir_to_path(self):
A :ref:`context manager <context-managers>` for the :py:keyword:`with` statement
that temporarily switches the current working directory to the receiver's working
copy directory::
with wc.chdir_to_path():
# do something useful here inside the working copy directory.
oldwd = os.getcwd()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager
def switched_to_branch(self, branch_name):
A :ref:`context manager <context-managers>` for the :py:keyword:`with` statement
that temporarily switches the current git branch to another one and afterwards
restores the original one.
with wc.switched_to_branch('master'):
# do something useful here on the 'master' branch.
old_branch = self.current_branch()
different_branch = old_branch != branch_name
if different_branch:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Temporarily switching {0} from branch {1} to {2}'.format(self, old_branch, branch_name)
if different_branch:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Switching {0} back to branch {1}'.format(self, old_branch)
[docs]class AbstractSubcommand(object):
A base class for custom subcommand plug-in classes.
You can, but don't have to, derive from this class for
your custom subcommand extension classes. It also documents
the interface you are expected to implement in your class
and it provides some convenience methods.
:param argparse.Namespace arguments: The command-line options passed to your subcommand
in the form of a namespace instance as returned by
[docs] def __init__(self, arguments):
self.args = arguments
[docs] def __call__(self, wc=None):
This gets called once per working copy to perform the subcommand's task.
If you are only interested in the root-level working copy, you can stop
the traversal by returning :py:data:`githelper.GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL`.
:param githelper.GitWorkingCopy wc: The working copy to process.
[docs] def prepare_for_root(self, root_wc):
This method gets called on the root working copy only and lets you
perform preparation steps that you want to do only once for the entire
:param githelper.GitWorkingCopy root_wc: The working copy to check.
[docs] def chained_post_traversal_subcommand_for_root_working_copy(self, root_wc):
This method gets called on the root working copy after the traversal
of a tree has finished. The subcommand class can return another subcommand
instance that will be run next.
:param githelper.GitWorkingCopy root_wc: The working copy to process.
return None
def print_dirty_working_copies_error_message(cls):
print >> sys.stderr, ANSIColor.wrap('Dirty working copies found, please either 1.) commit or stash first, 2.) use git\'s rebase.autoStash configuration option, or 3.) use the -s/--stash-pop option\n', color=ANSIColor.red)
def affirmative_answer_for_prompt(cls, prompt_string):
prompt_input = raw_input('{} [Y/n] '.format(prompt_string))
return prompt_input == '' or prompt_input.lower().startswith('y')
def read_string_from_clipboard(cls):
string = None
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
import AppKit
pb = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
string = pb.stringForType_('public.utf8-plain-text')
return string
def write_string_to_clipboard(cls, string):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
import AppKit
pb = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
def format_and_print_dirty_working_copy_list(cls, dirty_working_copies):
for wc in dirty_working_copies:
print >> sys.stderr, wc
with ANSIColor.terminal_color(ANSIColor.red, ANSIColor.red):
print >> sys.stderr, ''.join([i + '\n' for i in wc.dirty_file_lines()])
[docs] @classmethod
def wants_working_copy(cls):
Return ``False`` to allow usage of your subcommand without a git working copy. The default is ``True``.
return True
def subcommand_name(cls):
return '-'.join([i.lower() for i in re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]+)', re.sub(r'^Subcommand', '', cls.__name__))])
class SubcommandTree(AbstractSubcommand):
"""List the tree of nested working copies"""
def __call__(self, wc):
print '|{0}{1}'.format(len(wc.ancestors()) * '--', wc)
class SubcommandStatus(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Run git status recursively, omitting output for any working copies without interesting status."""
def __call__(self, wc):
rules = (
('-', r' On branch '),
('-', r'working directory clean'),
wc.run_shell_command('git status -s', filter_rules=rules, header=wc)
class SubcommandCopyHeadCommitHash(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Copy repository / branch / head hash to clipboard, optionally with a custom template"""
def __call__(self, wc):
template_name = self.args.template
if template_name:
config_variable = 'githelper.copy-template-' + template_name
output = wc.output_for_git_command(['git', 'config', config_variable])
if not output:
print >> sys.stderr, 'No template found for git configuration variable "{}"'.format(config_variable)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
config_variable = 'githelper.copy-template'
output = wc.output_for_git_command(['git', 'config', config_variable])
if not output:
output = ['{repository} {branch} {commit} {tags}']
output = self.interpolate_data_into_template_lines(wc, output)
output_string = ''.join([l + '\n' for l in output])
print output_string,
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def interpolate_data_into_template_lines(self, wc, template_lines):
repository, branch, commit = wc.current_repository(), wc.current_branch(), wc.head_commit_hash()
tags = ['tags/' + t for t in wc.tags_pointing_at_head_commit()]
if tags:
tags = '(' + ', '.join(tags) + ')'
tags = None
data = dict(zip('repository branch commit tags'.split(), (repository, branch, commit, tags)))
output = []
for line in template_lines:
for key, value in data.items():
token = '{' + key + '}'
if token in line:
line = line.replace(token, value if value else '')
return output
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
description = textwrap.dedent(''' Optional name of a template.
Templates are snippets of text into which the commit information is interpolated.
The following replacement tokens are available:
{branch} The current branch name
{repository} The last path element of the current repository's remote URL,
without any file extensions such as ".git"
{commit} The head commit ID, abbreviated
{tags} a comma-separated, parenthesized list of tags that point to the head commit
If you don't select a template with this option, the default template is used:
"{repository} {branch} {commit} {tags}"
You store a custom template with git config. To change the default, unnamed one:
$ git config githelper.copy-template 'Repository: {repository} - Branch: {branch} - Commit: {commit}'
To set any named template, add a dash and the name to the git configuration variable,
in this example "merge":
$ git config githelper.copy-template-merge $'- Code Reviewed By: \\n- Branch: {branch} ({commit})\\n- Repository: {repository}\\n- Testing Details: \\n'
This example also shows how to set multiline-templates with \\n sequences and the Bash $'' construct.
parser.add_argument('template', nargs='?', default=None, help=description)
class SubcommandCheckoutBugfixBranch(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Check out a bugfix branch named user/<username>/name, with name based on the contents of the clipboard."""
def __call__(self, wc):
import readline
clipboard_string = self.read_string_from_clipboard()
branch_name_suggestion = None
branch_name_suggestion_raw = None
if clipboard_string:
clipboard_string = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]\s+', '', clipboard_string)
items = re.findall(r'.*?(\d+)(.*)', clipboard_string)
if items:
number, string = items[0]
words = re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z]{3,})', string)
branch_name_suggestion_raw = 'user/{}/{}'.format(os.environ['USER'], '-'.join([number] + words)).lower()
if len(words) > 5:
branch_name_suggestion = 'user/{}/{}'.format(os.environ['USER'], '-'.join([number] + words)).lower()
if branch_name_suggestion:
prompt = 'Type branch name or hit return to accept "{}"\n'.format(branch_name_suggestion)
prompt = 'Type branch name\n'
branch_name = raw_input(prompt)
if not len(branch_name):
if not branch_name_suggestion:
print >> sys.stderr, 'No suitable branch name'
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
branch_name = branch_name_suggestion
wc.run_shell_command('git checkout -b {}'.format(branch_name))
output = wc.output_for_git_command('git status --porcelain -uno'.split())
staged = [l for l in output if l.startswith('M')]
if staged:
wc.run_shell_command(['git', 'commit', '-m', clipboard_string])
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
class SubcommandDropBugfixBranch(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Delete a bugfix branch locally and remotely. The branch must be prefixed with "user/" """
def __call__(self, wc):
local_branch_ref = self.args.branch
output = wc.output_for_git_command('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'.split())
current_branch_ref = output[0]
if not local_branch_ref:
local_branch_ref = current_branch_ref
if self.args.template:
self.print_manual_help('Git commands template', ['remote_name'], 'branch_name')
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
remote_names = wc.output_for_git_command('git remote'.split())
if len(remote_names) > 1:
self.print_manual_help('More than one remote: "{}", please delete manually'.format(', '.join(remote_names)), remote_names, local_branch_ref)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
remote_name = None
if remote_names:
remote_name = remote_names[0]
if not local_branch_ref.startswith('user/'):
self.print_manual_help('Branch name does not start with "user/"', remote_names, local_branch_ref)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
remote_branch_ref = None
if remote_name:
remote_branch_symbolic_ref = local_branch_ref + '@{u}'
output = wc.output_for_git_command(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--symbolic-full-name', remote_branch_symbolic_ref], filter_rules=[('-', r'fatal')], check_returncode=False, echo_stderr=False)
if output and output != [remote_branch_symbolic_ref]:
remote_branch_ref = output[0][len(remote_name) + 1:]
if not remote_branch_ref.startswith('user/'):
self.print_manual_help('Remote branch name "{}" does not start with "user/", please delete manually'.format(remote_branch_ref), remote_names, local_branch_ref)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
print >> sys.stderr, 'No upstream branch configured, will delete only local branch'
if not self.args.no_prompt:
prompt = 'Delete local branch "{}"'.format(local_branch_ref)
if remote_branch_ref:
prompt += ' and remote branch "{}:{}"'.format(remote_name, remote_branch_ref)
if not self.affirmative_answer_for_prompt(prompt + '?'):
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
if current_branch_ref == local_branch_ref:
output = wc.output_for_git_command('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{-1}'.split())
if not output:
self.print_manual_help('Current branch is branch to be deleted, but previous branch is unknown, please delete manually', remote_names, local_branch_ref)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
wc.run_shell_command('git checkout @{-1}'.split())
wc.run_shell_command('git branch -D'.split() + [local_branch_ref])
if remote_branch_ref:
wc.run_shell_command('git push -d'.split() + [remote_name, remote_branch_ref])
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def print_manual_help(self, reason, remotes=None, branch='<branch-name>'):
print >> sys.stderr, reason + ', please delete manually:'
print >> sys.stderr, 'git branch -D {}'.format(branch)
if remotes:
if len(remotes) > 1:
remotes = '(' + '|'.join(remotes) + ')'
remotes = remotes[0]
print >> sys.stderr, 'git push -d {} {}'.format(remotes, branch)
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.add_argument('branch', nargs='?', default=None, help='The name of the branch that should be deleted, defaults to the currently checked out branch')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-prompt', action='store_true', help="Don't prompt for confirmation")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', action='store_true', help='Just print the git command template')
class WorkingCopyTreeStashingSubcommand(AbstractSubcommand):
def prepare_for_root(self, root_wc):
dirty_working_copies = root_wc.self_or_descendants_dirty_working_copies()
if dirty_working_copies:
if self.args.stash_pop:
dirty_wcs_without_autostash = [wc for wc in dirty_working_copies if not wc.has_autostash_enabled()]
if not dirty_wcs_without_autostash:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Proceeding with dirty working copies because rebase.autoStash is set\n'
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stash-pop', action='store_true', help='Allow dirty working copy. Stash before checkout and pop afterwards.')
class SubcommandCheckout(WorkingCopyTreeStashingSubcommand):
"""Check out a given branch if it exists"""
def __call__(self, wc):
target_branch_candidates = self.args.branch
current_branch = wc.current_branch()
target_branch = None
for target_branch_candidate in target_branch_candidates:
target_branch = self.target_branch_for_branch_name(target_branch_candidate, wc)
if target_branch:
if not target_branch:
if len(target_branch_candidates) == 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'No branch found matching "{0}" in {1}, staying on "{2}"'.format(target_branch_candidates[0], wc, current_branch)
print >> sys.stderr, 'No branch found matching any of "{0}" in {1}, staying on "{2}"'.format(', '.join(target_branch_candidates), wc, current_branch)
if current_branch == target_branch:
print ANSIColor.wrap(wc, color=ANSIColor.green)
stash_commit = None
if wc.is_dirty():
stash_commit = wc.create_stash_and_reset_hard()
rules = [
('-', r'use "git pull"'),
('-', r'Switched to branch'),
('-', r'is up-to-date'),
('-', r'Your branch is behind'),
wc.run_shell_command('git checkout {0}'.format(target_branch), filter_rules=rules)
if stash_commit:
def target_branch_for_branch_name(self, target_branch_candidate, wc):
local_branch_candidates = [i for i in wc.local_branch_names() if target_branch_candidate in i]
remote_branch_candidates = [re.sub(r'^[^/]+/', '', i) for i in wc.remote_branch_names() if target_branch_candidate in i]
TargetBranchResult = collections.namedtuple('TargetBranchResult', ['name', 'needs_remote_checkout', 'should_abort'])
def find_exact_local_match():
if target_branch_candidate in local_branch_candidates:
return TargetBranchResult(target_branch_candidate, False, False)
def find_exact_remote_match():
if target_branch_candidate in remote_branch_candidates:
return TargetBranchResult(target_branch_candidate, True, False)
def find_local_substring_match():
count = len(local_branch_candidates)
if count > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Branch name "{}" is ambiguous in {}: {}'.format(target_branch_candidate, wc, ', '.join(local_branch_candidates))
return TargetBranchResult(None, False, True)
elif count == 1:
return TargetBranchResult(local_branch_candidates[0], False, False)
def find_remote_substring_match():
if target_branch_candidate in remote_branch_candidates:
remote_branch_candidates.remove(target_branch_candidate) # remove exact remote match whose checkout user must have declined
count = len(remote_branch_candidates)
if count > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Branch name "{}" is ambiguous for remote branches in {}: {}'.format(target_branch_candidate, wc, ', '.join(remote_branch_candidates))
return TargetBranchResult(None, False, True)
elif count == 1:
return TargetBranchResult(remote_branch_candidates[0], True, False)
ordered_strategies = [find_exact_local_match, find_exact_remote_match, find_local_substring_match, find_remote_substring_match]
for strategy in ordered_strategies:
target_branch_result = strategy()
if not target_branch_result:
if target_branch_result.should_abort:
if target_branch_result.needs_remote_checkout:
if not self.affirmative_answer_for_prompt('No local branch found for "{0}" in {1} but a remote branch exists, check it out?'.format(target_branch_candidate, wc)):
wc.run_shell_command('git checkout {}'.format(target_branch_result.name))
return target_branch_result.name
def chained_post_traversal_subcommand_for_root_working_copy(self, root_wc):
return SubcommandBranch(self.args)
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
super(SubcommandCheckout, cls).configure_argument_parser(parser)
parser.add_argument('branch', nargs='+', help='One or more names of the branch that should be checked out. The first one to exist will be used')
class SubcommandPull(WorkingCopyTreeStashingSubcommand):
"""Run git pull recursively, optionally stashing and unstashing uncommitted changes automatically."""
def __call__(self, wc):
stash_commit = None
print ANSIColor.wrap(wc, color=ANSIColor.green)
if wc.is_dirty() and not wc.has_autostash_enabled():
stash_commit = wc.create_stash_and_reset_hard()
if not wc.current_branch_has_upstream():
print 'Current branch {} has no upstream branch to pull from'.format(wc.current_branch())
rules = [
('-', r'Rebasing'),
('-', r'Successfully rebased'),
wc.run_shell_command('git pull', filter_rules=rules)
if stash_commit:
def chained_post_traversal_subcommand_for_root_working_copy(self, root_wc):
return SubcommandBranch(self.args)
class SubcommandForkPoint(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Print the fork point of the current branch and another branch"""
def __call__(self, wc):
fork_point_commit = wc.fork_point_commit_id_for_branch(self.args.target_branch)
if fork_point_commit:
print '\nFork-point between "head" ({}) and "{}":'.format(wc.current_branch(), self.args.target_branch)
cmd = ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=format:%h %cd %s', fork_point_commit]
for other_branch in 'head', self.args.target_branch:
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%h %cd %s', other_branch, '^' + fork_point_commit]
output = wc.output_for_git_command(cmd)
print '\n{} commits in "{}" but not in fork-point {}'.format(len(output), other_branch, fork_point_commit[:12])
print ''.join([line + '\n' for line in output])
print 'Unable to find fork point between "{}" and "{}"'.format(wc.current_branch(), self.args.target_branch)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.add_argument('target_branch', help='The target branch for the current branch for which we want to find the fork point')
class SubcommandSquashToForkPoint(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Find the fork point of the current branch and squash multiple commits between that and head into one"""
def __call__(self, wc):
if wc.is_dirty():
print >> sys.stderr, ANSIColor.wrap('Dirty working copies found, please commit or stash first', color=ANSIColor.red)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
fork_point_commit = wc.fork_point_commit_id_for_branch(self.args.target_branch)
if not fork_point_commit:
print 'Unable to find fork point between "{}" and "{}"'.format(wc.current_branch(), self.args.target_branch)
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
print '\nFork-point between "head" ({}) and "{}":'.format(wc.current_branch(), self.args.target_branch)
cmd = ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=format:%h %cd %s', fork_point_commit]
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%h %cd %s', 'head', '^' + fork_point_commit]
output = wc.output_for_git_command(cmd)
commit_count = len(output)
print '\n{} commits in head but not in fork-point {}'.format(commit_count, fork_point_commit[:12])
print ''.join(['{}) {}\n'.format(number, line) for number, line in enumerate(output, start=1)])
if commit_count < 2:
print 'Fewer than two commits, nothing to squash'
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
prompt_input = raw_input('Pick commit subject to reuse for squashed commit (1-{}, anything else to cancel) '.format(commit_count))
value = int(prompt_input)
if value >= 1 and value <= commit_count:
selected_commit_id = output[value - 1].split()[0]
cmd = ['git', 'show', '-s', "--format=%s", selected_commit_id]
subject = wc.output_for_git_command(cmd)[0]
except ValueError as e:
subject = None
if not subject:
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
print 'Squashing with the following commands, head before squash is {}:'.format(wc.head_commit_hash())
for cmd in (['git', 'reset', '--soft', fork_point_commit], ['git', 'commit', '-m', subject]):
print ' '.join(cmd)
if not self.args.dry_run:
return GitWorkingCopy.STOP_TRAVERSAL
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.add_argument('target_branch', help='The target branch for the current branch, which is assumed to be a feature branch with multiple commits that need to be squashed.')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', '-n', action='store_true', help="Don't make any changes, just print the git commands")
class SubcommandBranch(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Show checked out branch and other status information of each working copy"""
column_justifiers_and_accessors = (
(string.ljust, lambda x: unicode(x)),
(string.rjust, lambda x: unicode(len(x.commits_not_in_upstream())) + u'↑' if x.current_branch_has_upstream() else '-'),
(string.rjust, lambda x: unicode(len(x.commits_only_in_upstream())) + u'↓' if x.current_branch_has_upstream() else '-'),
(string.ljust, lambda x: x.current_branch()),
(string.ljust, lambda x: x.head_commit_hash()),
(string.rjust, lambda x: str(x.head_commit_age_approximate_string())),
def column_count(self):
return len(SubcommandBranch.column_justifiers_and_accessors)
def prepare_for_root(self, root_wc):
self.maxlen = [0] * self.column_count()
for wc in root_wc:
for index, (justifier, accessor) in enumerate(SubcommandBranch.column_justifiers_and_accessors):
self.maxlen[index] = max((self.maxlen[index], len(accessor(wc))))
def __call__(self, wc):
def access(index, item):
return self.column_justifiers_and_accessors[index][1](item)
def justify(index, string, length):
return self.column_justifiers_and_accessors[index][0](string, length)
format = ' '.join(['{' + unicode(i) + '}' for i in range(self.column_count())])
output = format.format(*[justify(i, access(i, wc), self.maxlen[i]) for i in xrange(self.column_count())])
print output
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser.description = textwrap.dedent(''' This subcommand gives a complete overview of the branch
status of each subrepository:
$ gh b
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo> 0↑ 0↓ master 4c3b6721 1h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/LibraryManager> 0↑ 0↓ master 301105f7 1h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/Reports *> 0↑ 0↓ master 7ffa7408 2h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/analyzer> 0↑ 0↓ feature/xyz c2881596 5h
</Users/liyanage/Projects/foo/repositories/common l> 0↑ 0↓ master f0a1ec75 34m
In column order, it lists:
- the path to the working copy
- the number of commits to push
- the number of commits to pull
- the branch name
- the head commit ID
- the age of the head commit
For the "commits to pull" information to be up to date, you have to run the "fetch" subcommand first.
Many subcommands (among them "fetch") automatically run the branch subcommand afterwards.''')
class SubcommandFetch(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Run git fetch recursively"""
def __call__(self, wc):
wc.run_shell_command('git fetch')
def chained_post_traversal_subcommand_for_root_working_copy(self, root_wc):
return SubcommandBranch(self.args)
class SubcommandEach(AbstractSubcommand):
"""Run a shell command in each working copy"""
def __call__(self, wc):
command = ' '.join(self.args.shell_command)
wc.run_shell_command(command, header=wc, check_returncode=False)
def configure_argument_parser(cls, parser):
parser.add_argument('shell_command', nargs='+', help='A shell command to execute in the context of each working copy. If you need to use options starting with -, add " -- " before the first one.')
class GitHelperCommandLineDriver(object):
def subcommand_map(cls):
githelper_local = None
import githelper_local
except ImportError:
except Exception as e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Unable to import githelper_local extension module:'
namespaces = globals()
subcommand_map = {}
if githelper_local:
namespaces.update({k : getattr(githelper_local, k) for k in dir(githelper_local)})
for k, v in namespaces.items():
if k.startswith('Subcommand') and callable(getattr(v, 'subcommand_name', None)):
subcommand_map[v.subcommand_name()] = v
return subcommand_map
def resolve_subcommand_abbreviation(cls, subcommand_map):
non_option_arguments = [i for i in sys.argv[1:] if not i.startswith('-')]
if not non_option_arguments:
return True
subcommand = non_option_arguments[0]
if subcommand in subcommand_map.keys():
return True
# converts a string like 'abc' to a regex like '(a).*?(b).*?(c)'
regex = re.compile('.*?'.join(['(' + char + ')' for char in subcommand]))
subcommand_candidates = []
for subcommand_name in subcommand_map.keys():
match = regex.match(subcommand_name)
if not match:
subcommand_candidates.append(cls.subcommand_candidate_for_abbreviation_match(subcommand_name, match))
if not subcommand_candidates:
return True
if len(subcommand_candidates) == 1:
# print >> sys.stderr, subcommand_candidates[0].decorated_name
sys.argv[sys.argv.index(subcommand)] = subcommand_candidates[0].name
return True
print >> sys.stderr, 'Ambiguous subcommand "{}": {}'.format(subcommand, ', '.join([i.decorated_name for i in subcommand_candidates]))
return False
def subcommand_candidate_for_abbreviation_match(cls, subcommand_name, match):
SubcommandCandidate = collections.namedtuple('SubcommandCandidate', ['name', 'decorated_name'])
decorated_name = ''
for i in range(1, match.lastindex + 1):
span = match.span(i)
preceding = subcommand_name[match.span(i - 1)[1]:span[0]] if span[0] else ''
letter = subcommand_name[span[0]:span[1]]
decorated_name += preceding + ANSIColor.wrap(letter, color=ANSIColor.green)
trailing = subcommand_name[span[1]:]
decorated_name += trailing
return SubcommandCandidate(subcommand_name, decorated_name)
def run(cls):
subcommand_map = cls.subcommand_map()
if not cls.resolve_subcommand_abbreviation(subcommand_map):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Git helper')
parser.add_argument('--root_path', help='Path to root working copy', default=os.getcwd())
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Enable verbose debug logging')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Subcommands', dest='subcommand_name')
for subcommand_name, subcommand_class in subcommand_map.items():
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(subcommand_name, help=subcommand_class.__doc__)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
subcommand_class = subcommand_map[args.subcommand_name]
subcommand = subcommand_class(args)
if subcommand_class.wants_working_copy():
while subcommand:
wc = GitWorkingCopy(args.root_path, verbose=args.verbose)
subcommand = subcommand.chained_post_traversal_subcommand_for_root_working_copy(wc)
if __name__ == "__main__":